Monday, September 22, 2008

Down With the Sickness

I am sick as all hell right now...and not liking it.

I have mucus coming out of me like it's a candy dispenser and I am sneezing/coughing like I am a dwarf in Snow White. Not cool.

Today wasn't the best day either. I got in an argument with a friend over a work schedule, even though it was totally taken care of.

I know people have issues, but when they become so freaked out that they take them out on someone, that's messed up.

Learn how to deal.

Ugh, enough of this.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Beginning?

What am I thinking right now....give me a minute.

I'm thinking that:
1. It's 12:46am
2. I'm procrastinating
3. I have to be up at 7:30am

I think I have too much on my mind which is why I created this blog in the first place. In my opinion, I think a blog is something people use to get by and get their feelings out and heard.

I also look at it as therapy...but with no feedback.

I think it's sort of vain, but oh well. That just makes me vain and I have no problem with that.

I'm not going to associate myself by my real name, but rather my user name, Peanut Marie.

It's a combination of sweetness, optimism with a dash of quirkiness.

I try.

A lot is going on in my life at the moment. I currently go to one of the biggest schools in the U.S.


I love it, I don't ever want to leave. It's definitely an experience that I don't want to forget or stop.

There, I study Communication and Music. I feel like it defines me.

I have a great group of friends, some close, some fake, but in the end it just matters how you treat them all.

Things right now are going pretty okay.

I'm taking a bunch of classes, mainly music and trying to get by at my job. I work in a doctor's office. It's exciting but the people are assholes. Yay!

I'm still not exactly sure what is on my mind, but I feel the need to keep writing for some reason.

I have a bad feeling I won't be getting up tomorrow morning, but we'll see what happens...

Let's see..what else is there to share..

I have a lot on my mind as of lately and I feel like I've done nothing to achieve any of it.

I haven't really studied, I haven't been working out, I haven't made myself into the person I essentially want to be.

But who is that person?

The person who makes everybody laugh and want to be with?

The person who is desired by everybody in the room? The person who can walk into a room PERIOD and own it?

No, that's not me. All of that is too much work for me, sorry. I have real ambitions in my life other than being a bone head sorority girl who would rather worry about how tan she is than how much homework she has.

I can't fucking stand those girls.

I just watched the first 8 episodes of 'Sorority Forever' and even though it stands for everything I go against, I can't help but watch. It's like, crack = addicting. You should check it out.

I missed ANTM tonight...again, everything I go against. I don't know why that show is so damn addicting...I think it's just because of the photo shoots..and the fact that those girls are just so's scary.

I recently noticed I need a manicure...*looks down* and a pedicure.

I don't mean to be random, but at this point I'm still trying to figure out why I'm typing this in the first place....Again, I think it's just to get a bunch of stuff down somewhere where I can read it and feel important.

That sounds really sad, but it's not what you think..really.