Thursday, October 2, 2008


I am FUCKING people who treat animals like shit.

I mean, hard is it to take care of an animal and provide it with love and care?

DO NOT...I repeat...DO NOT just randomly give up your animal because it doesn't meet your expectations..or it gets out of its cute phase and is no longer cuddly or adorable...seriously..fucked up.

It's people like this that make me want to bitch slap someone...between these stupid people or stalker ex-boyfriends..

Speaking of which...

An ex of mine won't leave me alone and I've been dealing with him being an asshole to me since we broke up in January....not my idea of fun at all.

It's creepy the way he minute he's calling me a cunt, the next minute it's "Oh hi, how are you"........yeah....not.

Okay, just had to get that out.