Friday, April 3, 2009


Okay things have been....interesting to say the least.

Let's see....where are we...

Well for one, the bff almost died from pneumonia. That was scary.

School is going well. I'm close to a month of graduating and I'm doing really well in all my classes. I just have a bunch of lame ass papers to write and finish up on....*vomit*

Not really looking forward to it but I'm almost there! So close!

And Barack Obama is speaking at my Commencement...ahhhhh it'll be great.

I've been doing a lot better in regards to the band. I'm pretty much over it, it's just hard to see their pictures that they've been posting. It just bothers me to know that I could be in them but I'm not.

Oh I said, trying not to dwell on it.

I've been having dreams about the band, but mainly him. I don't know why and I hate it...

I feel very successful these past 2 weeks. :-)

I worked out 3 times this week AND got a head start on an essay exam. I ended up writing 8 pages. I would have been up all night doing it but it all worked out! :-)

Like I said, very proud of myself *pats back*

I did however......have to climb Camelback Mountain.....FUCK

I did not think it would be as challenging as it was..I mean shit, it looks like Mount Everest compared to 'A' Mountain. I was soooooo tired after I did it...and then I had to go to class..and I'm still sore...2 days later.

Other than matters are driving me crazy. I'm broke and that annoys me..ugh

Hopefully that won't last long seeing as how I am registered for summer classes to finish up for my B.A. in Communication :-D

I'm excited whoooo!

In other good news: I have no STDs. WIN

I got my results back today from my doctor...all I have is a slight bacterial infection (an example would be yeast infection, which I don't have)..and I got some antibiotics to clear it up, so all is well in that area considering I've been nervous about it over the last year or so.

Love life is...lame at the moment. Things aren't too interesting or amazing...I've just been trying to get through school and when I go out all I meet are creepers.

Take for instance last weekend when I met up with one of my friends. We went out to a club and all night long, they were everywhere. One even had the nerve to come up and ass-handle me and try to get me to dance with him. It's like they're all horny zombies who don't understand the word "no". ew

It feels like things in my life are slowing down. I feels like when you pull back the handle on the pinball machine and you get ready to launch the ball, but I'm stuck in the pulled back position and not moving yet.

Family life is okay. I haven't heard from my sister ever since she told me that she doesn't want help from anybody. That's just lame. I mean shit, free groceries? Send them MY way!

My aunt moved back from CO. It's nice having her back here. It almost seems like she was never gone, but she really was.

Work is going okay...I finally made it up to a year!.....unfortunately

Things are starting to go sour at my job. My boss has started to be a pain and randomly gets pissy and acts like it's okay. I don't get it...she bitches at us for doing it and being impolite yet she does it and it's's bullshit if you ask me.

I'm HIGHLY considering looking for a new job. I've already posted my resume on the ASU site, so hopefully when I do graduate I'll be able to acquire a better job that pays more and lets me go to graduate school.

Life is okay other than that I guess. I guess I'm waiting for the year to honestly, well, get better. Things haven't been as amazing as I'd like them to be and I'm really hoping for a turn around.