Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm looking for a change.....a good one

The past 2 days have been kind of....awkward...and crazy...and sort of a let down.

I got screwed over by the orthodontist...braces didn't come off because they're dumb asses and didn't put a chain to prevent a gap from showing up....yeah thanks.

So that was a fail......

And I left class and everything......ugh so mad..

I didn't get my payout when everyone else did...go figure..but I got it at midnight so that worked out.

Since it's been a while, I figure I should update on the boy stuff..

Finally talked to him about the whole situation..things were cleared up..but now things are in a weird place.

He said he'd think about things...and I guess my roommate really stood up for me..which is good.

I'm just not sure what's going to happen...I really like that kid and I would just hate to see a good thing pass by.

All I can do is wait.

Things are going well with the band too....we got approved for a really big show that could give us a lot of good now I really need to get back into practicing.

I wish winter session was now. Then I could have more time to learn music.

Spring semester is starting...yaay...graduation is getting closer.

It's crazy....these past 4 years went by fast. I'm interested to see how this semester goes. I'm hoping that a lot of great things come of it.

It's a new year....things need to get better.

Speaking of which...I haven't been doing the stuff I want to be...and it makes me mad.

I really need to start going to the gym....argh..I hate being super busy..I want a break from school. Damn it....I deserve a break.

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