Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I am...annoyed...frustrated...and feeling detached...


Things with the band are getting more...well, intense...

I'm starting to feel the pressure..especially since there's a show on Feb 7th and I still have 2 songs to learn...and one of them, is being a bitch..the other well...I haven't decided if I'm going to hate it yet or we'll see.

Other than that, I know the other ones we're playing..

Also, I need to figure out my war paint, which I think I'm okay with...and then I need to find an outfit..which I think after class tomorrow I'm going to go shopping to see if I can find anything "warrior" like.

Things with the boy are...awkward..I'm not really sure wtf is going on anymore.

I'm trying to keep my distance, do my own thing, let him do his.........yet I want to hang out with him.

Part of me thinks he's just busy with school or other things....yet I keep thinking back to that book I read which basically said, if he's not calling/texting, he's just not that into you.

Seriously, hate that fucking book........mainly b/c it's right.

I don't know...I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing and see what'll happen.

I'm almost considering stepping up and saying something ....but again, don't want to come off too forward or we'll see.....but then again, the last time I thought that...he said he wished I would have done something.

Fucking men...they just fuck with your head.

School is okay...I wish I had more time to sleep.

I've been working out more...3 times last week, 2 this week so far and I'm going to get up tomorrow morning and go again..and then again on Friday yay!

I haven't heard from my sister....surprise there...

My mom's truck got stolen... >.< ...very lame.

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